Waiting to see your wedding photos from your big day is a common topic of discussion and a question I often get when chatting to clients about their wedding plans.
After taking part in so many weddings and going through the ‘waiting period’ myself, I know that every day waiting, at times may feel like weeks.
So, what is the acceptable time to wait for your wedding photos?
Firstly, this is a great question to ask your photographer during the interview process. It is more than acceptable to discuss time frames and you deserve to know what the wait time would typically be, especially because every photographer is different, so timeframes vary.
If it happens to be a busy period for the photographer and during the peak of ‘wedding season’ you may be waiting an extra few weeks. Some photographers may get the photos to you in an extremely fast time frame, but a fast turnaround could also be a little risky and rushing the editing may compromise the end result.
You spent the time planning your wedding and finding the photographer, so you want to make sure each photo is carefully crafted as after all, these are photos you want to be proud to look at and share.
If you experience a fast turnaround time with the photos from your wedding and there happens to be a fly on the wedding dress or other objects that impact the outcome, that could be very upsetting for you and something that you would certainly want to avoid.
So, what is the solution?
Some photographers offer a sneak peek of some of the photos, even on the same day as the wedding. This is actually something I also offer, and I find it is something that the bride a groom love.
Sending a few photos from the camera to your phone via bluetooth also allows you to use those on social media and avoid the blurry shots that were taken by relatives and friends.
Again, this is why it is highly recommended to communicate with your photographer on the time frame and what they are able to deliver.
Another option that a number of photographers offer is a seven-day sneak peek where you will receive a number of photos from your wedding day while they work on the rest.
So, what now?
At the end of the day, each photographer is different so having an idea of the time frame prior to the big day is something to keep in mind and it all comes down to communication and setting the expectations.
Here are three questions you want to be asking your photographer before hiring them:
What is the turnaround time?
Is there an option to get a sneak peek?
Do you allow the bride and groom to review photos and request edits?
You will notice that having all this information prior to your wedding will allow you to simply have more fun on the day and have a clear idea of the wedding photography process.
For any further information regarding wedding photography, feel free to reach out at Sev’s Weddings in Perth, Western Australia.
Wishing you a great day and best of luck with the preparations.